What is BIE?
A completely noninvasive technology that serves to support the body's natural healing process.
A noninvasive patented modality that reintroduces stressors back into the body, so that once the body understands what the frequency of that substance is, it won't react.
<< Check out the video to find out more
Two Step Process
Identify the Culprit
Through an applied kinesiology technique called muscle testing, we are able to identify which substances your body does not recognize on an energetic level.
By using the BIE machine we are able to reintroduce the culprits back into your body, in a language your body understands (energetically). The machine is applied to 16 different acupressure points along the body. Once the body can recognize the substance it once thought was harmful, it won't react.
The BIE machine is completely noninvasive. It is simple and pain free.
You may feel relaxed, as the machine helps to put your body into a parasympathetic (rest and digest) state.
Theory Behind BIE
The Stress Response
During periods of stress (physical or emotional stress), a cell’s state of vulnerability increases.
For example, if you get bloated every time you eat an apple, it could be because you ate that apple in a stressed state. This could be anything from sitting in traffic, arguing with a loved one, or trying to meet a last minute deadline all while eating an apple close to or during that event.
To alert the brain of potential danger or if the body senses a shift in homeostasis, the body communicates through electrical impulses (a.k.a energy) to send messages to the brain. The body's innate goal is to protect you, so when you eat the apple the body thinks the apple caused you stress, then it attempts to eliminate the apple as fast as possible. The elimination process needs to be quick as your body thinks it needs to rid the harmful substance fast. This can cause gas, burping, bloating, and even the immune system gets involved which means, rashes, runny nose, watery eyes. etc.
What can BIE help with ?
BIE works to bring you body back into balance, this means we can support many systems within the body. BIE aims to support:
e.g., bloating, stomach upset, gas, constipation, diarrhea
e.g., eczema, acne, psoriasis, rosacea
e.g., PMS, Peri, Meno and post menopausal symptoms, low testosterone
Hormonal Imbalances
Sleep Support
e.g., issues falling asleep or staying asleep, feeling tired through out the day
Seasonal Stressors
e.g., sneezing, itchy eyes, runny nose, rashes
And so much more!
What hinders the efficacy of BIE?
The efficacy of BIE depends on each individual person. As each person is biochemically unique, BIE works hard to bring your body back to balance no matter how long it has been off balance for. Although there are a few things you can do as a client that will help increase the efficacy of the session:
Drink plenty of water
Water is essential for human health. Our bodies are made up of 80% water and is needed for almost every function in the body. Not only is water beneficial for our health but it is also a great conductor of electricity. BIE uses small electrical impulses to reintroduce the frequency of the substance back into the body, thus we need water to be present in order to get the best results with BIE!
Avoid EMF's as much as possible
Electro magnetic fields such as mobile phones, microwaves, Wifi, computers, household wiring etc., can enter cells through the cell membrane and build up internally, thereby, altering the cell’s balance. The body can sometimes confuse the EMF frequency with the one we just reintroduced back into the body. We suggest you try your best to stay away from EMF's post session as much as possible for 48 hrs. For example, talk hands free or with wired headphones when on the phone, keep your cell phone off/ away from your body when possible, don't stand near a microwave when its on, etc.
Reduce Stress
Your body tends to build up intolerances when it is under stress. In order to rid intolerances and bring the body back to balance, we must practice ways to actively reduce stress daily. Three ways you can start reducing stress:
Go for daily 10 minute walks, in nature
Take 5 deep breaths before eating food
Practice gratitude and mindfulness
Book a BIE Session
Hamilton Area
Waterdown Village Chiropractic & Wellness Group
255 Dundas Street East, Unit 14A Waterdown, ON
L8B 0E5